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魔法ABC  1999/8/2講義

 What kind of dance do you like?你喜歡什麼舞蹈?


 Street dance街舞

 Folk dance民族舞蹈

 Break dance霹靂舞




 Pull over, please.請靠邊停

 You were speeding.你超速了

 You just ran a red light.你闖紅燈

 Here’s your speeding ticker.這是你的超速罰單

 Look out for cars. 小心車子

魔法ABC  1999/8/3講義

 Who is your favorite basketball star?你最喜歡的籃球明星是誰?



 Can you take a picture for me?你可以幫我照張相嗎?

 A roll of film一卷底片

 Develop the film洗底片

 What’s that smell?那是什麼味道?

 Pew! Who farted?好臭喔!誰放屁?

 Sorry! It was me.對不起,是我

 Roll down the window.搖下窗戶

 Bye! Come again next time.再見,有空再來玩

魔法ABC  1999/8/4講義

 What would you like to order?你要點什麼?

 I would like a ▁▁▁▁▁▁.我要點……….









 I’m bored.我好無聊

 Could you turn on the radio?可以開收音機嗎?

 That’s too loud.太吵了

 Turn it down.轉小聲點

 Take care of yourself.照顧自己

魔法ABC  1999/8/5講義

 Where do you go roller-blading?你都去哪裡溜直排滑輪?



 Car 車子

 Drive the car開車


 Spare tire備胎

 Steering wheel方向盤

 Oh! No!不!完了!

 We have a flat tire.我們有一個爆胎

 Let’s take a taxi.坐計程車吧!

 Taxi! 計程車

 Take the trash out.到垃圾

魔法ABC  1999/8/6講義

 Are you wearing any sunscreen?你有擦防曬油嗎?

 Sun block防曬油

 Sun-tan lotion防曬油

 Get a tan曬黑




 Soy sauce醬油


 Here we are!我們到了

 We need a parking space.我們需要一個停車位

 Let’s circle around.繞一繞吧

 There’s a parking lot.那裡有停車場

 Happy Father’s Day.父親節快樂

魔法ABC  1999/8/9講義

 What do you use your computer for?你用電腦做什麼﹖

 Tank top無袖背心

 Surf the internet 上網

 Chat with friends 跟朋友聊天


 Photo album 相簿

 Photo / picture  frame 相框

 I’m so bored.好無聊喔﹗

 Let’s play a game.我們來玩遊戲

 Let’s play hide-and-seek.玩捉迷藏

 You’re it!你是鬼

 Don’t be late!不要遲到

魔法ABC  1999/8/10講義

 Which kung-fu movie star do you want to be like?你想像哪個功夫明星﹖








 Angry at you對你生氣


 Don’t be sad and cheer up不要傷心,快樂一點

 My baby sister is crying.我妹妹哭了

 Don’t cry!不要哭


 Give me a smile.給我一個微笑

 Sit up straight!坐好

魔法ABC  1999/8/11講義

 What is your favorite cartoon?你最喜歡的卡通是什麼﹖


 What’s up? =  What’s up doc?打招呼的用語


 Dressing room = fitting room試衣間



 30% off 7

 petite = p 嬌小

 extra small 最小




 extra large = xl 更大

 It’s so boring.好無聊

 Let’s do something.我們做些事吧﹗

 Want to play chess?要下棋嗎﹖


 Go water the flowers.去澆花

魔法ABC  1999/8/12講義

 How many people are there in your party?你們有幾位﹖

 Please wait to be seated.請等候帶位


 In a meeting正在開會


 Country = Countryside鄉下

 Let’s play house!我們來玩辦家家酒

 You be the father.你是爸爸

 I’ll be the mother.我是媽媽

 The doll is our baby!洋娃娃是我們的小孩

 Okay! It’s a deal.就這麼說定了﹗

 Bad habits壞習慣

 Do the dishes洗碗

 Flush the toilet沖馬桶

魔法ABC  1999/8/13講義

 Please speak a little slower.請說慢一點


 Say that again. 再說一次

 What is your favorite season?你最喜歡的季節是什麼﹖

 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park國父紀念館



 Autumn = fall秋天



 Vegetables = veggie(s)蔬菜




 Kiwi fruit奇異果


 Want to play tag?要玩捉鬼嗎﹖

 I’m it.我是鬼

 I tagged you!我捉到你了﹗

 Now you chase us.換你追我們

 Don’t waste money.不要浪費錢

魔法ABC  1999/8/16講義




 What toy did you buy?你買了什麼玩具?

 I bought ………………我買了………..



 Stuffed toy填充玩具

 Model car模型車

 Video game電動


 tennis ball

 tennis racket網球拍

 hit the tennis ball打球

 Tug of war!拔河

 Boys against girls!男生對抗女生


 We won ! You lost! 我們贏了﹗ 你們輸了

 Say:“Thank you.” 說謝謝 

 Thanks. 謝謝

 Thank you so much. 很謝謝

 Thanks a lot. 很謝謝

魔法ABC  1999/8/17講義

 How old are you?你幾歲﹖

 What kind of movie do you like to see? 你喜歡看哪一種電影?

 Horror movies恐怖片


 Action movies動作片


 Animated movies動畫片


 sunny day晴天


 cloudy day陰天


 Let’s play Monopoly!我們來玩大富翁

 You go first.你先

 Roll the dice.丟骰子

 It’s my turn! 換我了

 Don’t run around! 不要亂跑

魔法ABC  1999/8/18講義

 peach 水蜜桃/桃子色


 Who’s CD are you going to buy?你要買誰的CD?

 I want to buy________’s CD.我要買______CD.

 CD = compact disk

 Record store唱片行

 Britney spears小甜甜


 traffic light紅綠燈

 red light紅燈

 green light綠燈

 yellow light黃燈


 policeman = cop警察

 It’s nine o’clock now.9點了

 Time for bed!該睡覺了

 Go brush your teeth.去刷牙

 Don’t forget to floss.不要忘了用牙線

 You are so smart.你好聰明


魔法ABC  1999/8/19講義


 pen pal筆友

 What kind of books do you like to read?你喜歡看哪種書?


 Children’s book兒童書籍

 Fairy tales童話故事





 index finger食指

 middle finger中指

 ring finger無名指



 listen with your ears 用耳朵聽


 smell with your nose用鼻子聞

 It’s getting late.太晚囉

 Turn off the TV.關掉電視

 Go wash your face.去洗臉

 Get ready for bed.準備上床

 Keep in touch.保持聯絡

魔法ABC  1999/8/20講義

 That’s too low.太小聲了

 It’s occupied.有人

 It’s vacant.沒人

 What are you planning to do tonight? 你今天晚上有什麼計劃?


 I’m going to the movies.看電影


 Night market夜市


 Net! 觸網



 Go take a shower/bath now. 現在去洗澡

 Take off your clothes.脫掉你的衣服

 Here’s the towel.這是毛巾

 You smell so nice. 你聞起來好香ㄛ

 Bath towel浴巾

 Don’t talk to strangers.不要跟陌生人說話

魔法ABC  1999/8/23講義

 Which ride do you like?你喜歡哪個遊樂設施﹖

 walk the dog溜狗

 Roller coaster雲霄飛車

 Ferris wheel魔天輪





 Tweety bird金絲雀(卡通動物)


 carry a handbag拿一個皮包

 Boy, I'm tired today.喔,今天好累喔

 Let's take a bubble bath!洗個泡泡澡吧

 Fill up the tub. 放滿水

 Throw in the rubber ducky.丟進玩具鴨




 Don't eat too much junk food.少吃零食

魔法ABC  1999/8/24講義

 mobile phone 行動電話

 cellular phone = cell phone行動電話

 What do you do with your allowance? 你都怎麼用你的零用錢﹖

 I give it to my mother.給我媽媽

 I save it up.存起來

 I spend it all.全花光

 I spend it on_____________.我把錢花在__________



 letter / 字母

 stamp郵票 / 印章

 pen pal筆友

 write a letter寫信

 lick the stamp舔郵票

 Wash your hair today.今天要洗頭ㄛ

 Where is the shampoo?洗髮精在哪﹖

 Give me the conditioner. 給我洗髮乳

 Dry your hair. 擦乾你的頭髮

 Don’t litter不要亂丟紙屑

魔法ABC  1999/8/25講義

 Mainland China中國大陸

 Do you like to read?你喜歡讀書嗎﹖

 Why do you like this book?為什麼喜歡這本書呢﹖

 Because this book is________.因為這本書……..




 moon 月亮

 star(s) 星星


 full moon滿月

 moon cake月餅

 shooting star流星

 Good morning ,mommy!早安,媽媽﹗

 Go comb your hair.去梳頭髮

 I want a braid.我要綁辮子

 Use the red ribbon.用紅色的絲帶ㄛ

 Remember to lock the door.記得鎖門

魔法ABC  1999/8/26講義

 Why do you like coming here? 你為什麼喜歡來這裡﹖

 Because I can see a movie.因為可以看電影

 Thailand 泰國

 elephant 大象


 thai food泰國菜



 You look so cute today.你今天看起來好可愛

 I like your ponytail.我喜歡你的馬尾

 You look nice in ponytails.你綁馬尾真可愛

 Hey! Don’t pull my hair.ㄟ﹗不要拉我的頭髮



 Come back after work下班回來

 Give me a kiss.親我一下

魔法ABC  1999/8/27講義


 I am a diligent student. = I study very hard.我很用功讀書

 Do you have a part-time job?你有沒有在打工?

 full-time job全職工作

 fast-food restaurant速食店

 Yes, I tutor.是的,我在當家教。


 blanket 棉被

 sheet 床單

 pillow fight枕頭戰

 change the sheet換床單

 He fell.他跌了一跤

 Your bangs are too long!你的瀏海太長了

 You need a haircut.你需要剪頭髮了

 Give me a pair of scissors.給我一把剪刀

 I will cut your bangs (hair). 我幫你剪瀏海(頭髮)

 Put the toys away.把玩具收好

魔法ABC  1999/8/30講義

 Happy Valentine’s Day情人節快樂


 Have you finished your summer vacation homework?你暑假作業做完了嗎﹖

 Of course當然

 Not yet還沒

 Burn the midnight oil.熬夜

 Fireman = firefighter 消防隊員


 fire engine 消防車

 put out the fire滅火

 Yield to fire engine.讓消防車先行

 Oh, no! Daddy, you are balding!!爸爸,你禿頭!
 You are losing hair.
 That's okay.
 I still love you.

 Notebook computer筆記型電腦

 Don’t be so mean! 不要那麼兇

魔法ABC  1999/8/30講義

 Happy Valentine’s Day情人節快樂


 Have you finished your summer vacation homework?你暑假作業做完了嗎﹖

 Of course當然

 Not yet還沒

 Burn the midnight oil.熬夜

 Fireman = firefighter 消防隊員


 fire engine 消防車

 put out the fire滅火

 Yield to fire engine.讓消防車先行

 Oh, no! Daddy, you are balding!!爸爸,你禿頭!
 You are losing hair.
 That's okay.
 I still love you.

 Notebook computer筆記型電腦

 Don’t be so mean! 不要那麼兇


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