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魔法ABC  1999/12/1講義

 I’m touched. = I’m moved.我被感動了

 What shape is this?這是什麼形狀?

 triangle 三角形









 You are so dumb.你很笨

 I do ten sit-ups a day.我一天作10個仰臥起坐


 step master踩步機

 Don’t you have a test tomorrow?你明天不是有考試嗎﹖

 Just a pop quiz.只是一個小考

 Why aren't you studying?為何還不去讀書﹖

 Go study!去讀書﹗

 puppy love年少的愛

 Keep in good shape.保持好身材 

魔法ABC  1999/12/2講義





 What type of video game do you like?你喜歡那一種電動玩具?

 Super Mario超級瑪利

 Street Fighter即時戰略

 RPG = role play game角色扮演遊戲

 car racing game賽車遊戲

 shooting game射擊遊戲





 a pair of mittens一雙手套(指四指合併的手套)


 How did you do on your test?你考試考得如何﹖

 It was a piece of cake.太簡單了

 I got an A!我得了A

 .Let's go celebrate!我們去慶祝吧﹗



魔法ABC  1999/12/3講義

 What hairstyle do you want?你想要留什麼樣的髮型?

 class representative班長

 short hair短髮

 long hair長髮

 straight hair直髮

 curly hair捲髮

 I want to dye my hair.我要染髮

 I want to get a perm.我要燙頭髮

 I want to get my hair layered.我要頭髮有層次

 I want my hair in a ponytail.我要綁馬尾

 I want a crew cut.我要剪小平頭


 boarding gate登機門

 duty-free shop = DFS免稅店

 go through the customs過海關

 board the plane登機

 It's getting late.快遲到了

 I am going home.我要回家了

 See you later, alligator.待會見(可愛的用法)

 In a while, crocodile. 待會見(可愛的用法)

 lights out熄燈 

魔法ABC  1999/12/6講義


 You’re strange. = You’re so weird.你很奇怪

 What kind of bread do you like?你喜歡那一種麵包?

 pastries 糕點

 French bread 法國麵包

 croissant 牛角麵包

 toast 土司

 wheat bread麥類麵包


 donut holes甜甜圈中間的部分


 egg tart蛋塔





 football stadium足球場


 benefit concert慈善演唱會


 It's getting dark.天要黑了

 I am taking off.我要走了

 See you later. 再見


 Athlete's foot香港腳

 athletic 會運動的(形容詞)

魔法ABC  1999/12/7講義

 What's inflammable?什麼是不可燃的?

 beauty salon 美容院


 Glass is inflammable.玻璃是不可燃的。

 plastic (bag) 塑膠()



 aluminum cans鋁罐(複數)

 sort your trash垃圾分類



 publishing company出版社




 Time to go home.該回家囉

 Don't go now!不要現在走﹗

 It's still early.還很早ㄚ

 Stay a little longer.再留一下下

 on the nose講到重點的意思

 You are right on the nose. 你講到重點了。 

魔法ABC  1999/12/8講義

 spaceship 太空梭

 label 標籤

 What don’t you eat?你不吃什麼食物?

 I don’t eat carrots.我不吃蘿蔔

 green onion

 garlic 大蒜

 onion 洋蔥






 express (train)快車



 Take the express (train).搭快車

 Whistle at her.向她吹口哨

 All aboard!大家上車了﹗

 Time to say goodbye.該說再見了

 Thank you for inviting me.謝謝你邀請我

 I had a great time.我玩的很開心

 Take care!再見


 for good = forever    永遠

 Are you going away for good?你要永遠離開嗎﹖

 cucumber 黃瓜

 It works. 有效 

魔法ABC  1999/12/9講義

 cactus 仙人掌

 He said I love you with a smile.她帶著微笑說我愛你

 Do you like exams?你喜歡考試嗎?

 pop quiz 小考

 midterm 期中考

 finals 期末考

 exam = examination 考試

 Because I always get a good grade.因為我總是得到好成績

 No way! Are you kidding?不可能﹗你在開玩笑嗎﹖


 V-neck V字領


 checkered skirt/pants 格子裙 /

 v-neck vest V領背心

 long / short sleeves /

 I don’t feel well.我覺得不舒服

 Let me take your temperature.讓我幫你量體溫

 You are having a fever. = You have a fever.你發燒了

 Go lie down.去躺下


 meathead  笨蛋

 meatball 肉丸


 monk 和尚 

魔法ABC  1999/12/10講義

 What kind of tool is this?這是什麼工具?

 hold hands 牽手

 tool box工具箱







 plier 老虎鉗

 screwdriver 螺絲起子




 thunder shower雷陣雨

 Don’t forget to carry an umbrella.別忘了帶雨傘

 Look a rainbow.看﹗一道彩虹

 rainbow colors 七彩

 I feel sick.我覺得不舒服

 I am going to throw up.我將要吐了

 What did you have for lunch?你中午吃什麼﹖

 Just some seafood!只是一些海鮮

 throw up = vomit = puke嘔吐

 hot shot大人物

 He thinks he’s such a hot shot.他覺得自己是個大人物 

魔法ABC  1999/12/13講義

 no class沒水準


 What kind of seasoning do you like?你喜歡什麼調味料?




 ketchup 蕃茄醬



 ice cube冰塊



 Take a sip.吸一口看看

 shaker 搖搖瓶


 I am having a cold. = I have a cold.我感冒了

 I have a running nose.我在流鼻水

 I keep sneezing.我一直打噴嚏

 I need to blow my nose.我需要擤鼻涕

 no dice沒有選擇


 roll the dice丟骰子


魔法ABC  1999/12/14講義



 What punctuation mark is this?這是什麼標點符號?

 comma 逗號


 exclamation mark驚嘆號



 question mark問號




 paper clip迴紋針   


 magnet school明星學校

 staple it together訂在一起

 I have a sore throat.我喉嚨痛

 I lost my voice.我沒聲音了

 Cover your mouth when you cough.咳嗽的時候要遮住嘴巴

 Excuse me.不好意思

 up in the air尚未定案

 It’s still up in the air.他還沒有定案。

 talent  天才


魔法ABC  1999/12/15講義

 self introduction自我介紹

 olive green橄欖綠

 Can you name the country of this flag?這是哪一個國家的國旗?

 national flag 國旗

 The United Kingdom英國


 maple leaf 楓葉



 The United States of America美國


 single room單人房


 check out退房

 She is single.她單身

 She is married.她結婚了

 double room 雙人房

 a big tip很多小費

 check it out瞧一瞧

 I have a bad stomachache.我肚子很痛

 My tummy hurts. 我肚子很痛(小朋友的用法)

 Is it diarrhea?有拉肚子嗎﹖

 Take some medicine.吃些藥吧

 walk a fine line處境困難

 Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎

 It’s upside down.相反了 

魔法ABC  1999/12/16講義

 no smoking禁止吸煙

 no smoking sign禁菸標誌


 What track-and-field event do you like?你喜歡那種田徑運動?

 I like running .我喜歡跑步

 sprint 短跑






 print it out印出來

 double click點兩下



 May I look at your pencil box?我可以看你的鉛筆盒嗎﹖

 You have so many highlighters.你有好多螢光筆

 You have all the colors.你有所有的顏色

 You can borrow them anytime.你任何時候都可以借用

 I take the fifth.我保持沉默 

魔法ABC  1999/12/17講義


 He is so anal.他很龜毛

 Can you name this body part?你知道這是身體的那一個部位嗎?

 boxers 平口褲








 belly button肚臍眼











 gold medal金牌

 silver medal銀牌

 bronze medal銅牌

 King of the Jungle森林之王

 Did anyone see my eraser?有人看見我的橡皮擦嗎﹖

 I lost my eraser!我的橡皮擦不見了﹗

 Here, use mine.來,用我的吧

 You may borrow mine.你可以借用我的橡皮擦

 He is gifted.他是天才

 gifted child天才兒童 

魔法ABC  1999/12/20講義

 What kind of parties do you like?你喜歡哪種派對?

 Christmas = X’mas聖誕節

 snowman 雪人

 Christmas party聖誕派對

 birthday party 生日派對

 costume party化妝派對

 slumber party睡衣派對

 poolside party池邊派對





 blueberry muffin藍梅鬆糕

 banana nut muffin香蕉核果鬆糕


 maple syrup楓糖

 dip it in coffee浸在咖啡裡

 Santa Claus is coming to town!聖誕老公公要進城了﹗

 Have you been naughty or nice?你是頑皮還是乖呢﹖

 You will get lots of presents.你將會得到很多禮物

 Or you might get a lump of coal.或是可能得到一堆碳

 Can I have a refill?可以續杯嗎?

 free refill免費續杯 

魔法ABC  1999/12/21講義

 What supplements do you take?你有服用任何補品嗎?

 pocket monster 皮卡丘

 Christmas tree 聖誕樹

 I don’t take any supplement.我不吃任何補品

 vitamin C維他命C

 calcium tablet鈣片



 ginseng extract人蔘精華

 rear-view mirror後照鏡 

 license plate車牌 

 driver's license駕照

 side mirror(s) 車兩旁的後照鏡

 license plate number車牌號碼

 Don’t drink and driver.不要酒後駕車

 I am mad at you.我對你很生氣

 Christmas is coming!聖誕節到了﹗

 Let’s decorate the Christmas tree.讓我們來裝飾聖誕樹

 Decorate it with ornaments.用裝飾品來裝飾

 Put an angel on the top. 放一個天使在最頂端

 Please explain.          解釋一下

 Please explain to me.請向我解釋 

魔法ABC  1999/12/22講義

 Are you a part of a choir?Which part do you sing in a choir?你是不是合唱團團員?你唱那一部?


 I sing in the choir.我在合唱團裡唱歌

 soprano 最高音





 I am a soprano. = I sing soprano.我唱最高音

 chain store連鎖店     

 instant noodle泡麵       

 cash register收銀機      

 chain letter幸運信

 instant coffee即溶咖啡


 Let’s decorate the house for Christmas.讓我們為聖誕節裝飾家裡

 Stuff the stockings.在長襪裡塞滿東西

 Hang some candy canes掛上一些柺杖糖

 Turn on the Christmas tree lights!打開聖誕樹的燈﹗

 fireplace 火爐


 Count me in.    算我一份 

魔法ABC  1999/12/23講義

 rew = rewind 倒轉

 ffw = fast forward 快轉

 What kind of language do you want to learn the most?你最想學什麼語言﹖

 I want to learn English the most.我最想學英文


 North Pole北極    


 Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.聖誕老公公住在北極

 So many presents under the tree!好多禮物在樹下﹗

 May I open my presents?我可以打開我的禮物嗎﹖

 No.You have to wait until Christmas.不行﹗你要等到聖誕節

 I can’t wait!我等不急了﹗

 Let me think about it.讓我想一下

 sidewalk vendor路邊攤 

魔法ABC  1999/12/24講義

 Do you celebrate Christmas? How?你要慶祝聖誕節嗎?怎麼慶祝?

 Christmas eve聖誕夜

 Merry Christmas!聖誕快樂﹗


 Not really.不一定

 I go out with friends.我跟朋友出去玩

 I exchange presents with friends.我跟朋友交換禮物

 I spend time with my family.我花時間跟家人在一起



 Santa Claus will come tonight.聖誕老公公今晚會來

 He rides on a sleigh.他乘雪橇來

 And comes down from the chimney.而且從煙囪下來

 Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas.呵呵﹗聖誕快樂

 Don’t rush.不要急   

 Watch where you are going.看前面喔 

魔法ABC  1999/12/27講義




 How do you keep warm?你怎麼保溫?

 I wear a coat.我穿外套

 jacket 夾克




 Cheers! 乾杯


 word peace世界和平

 Bottoms up!乾杯(指喝完)

 I made a mistake here.我這裡寫錯了

 May I borrow your white-out?我可以借你的立可白嗎﹖

 Here you go.拿去吧


 Keep the change.不用找()

 stick 插熱狗的棒子

 dog on a stick插著棒子熱狗 

魔法ABC  1999/12/28講義

 fish = fishy(後者為可愛的說法)

 fishes = fishies(複數)(後者為可愛的說法)

 What is this?這是什麼急救用品?

 medicine cabinet 醫藥櫃

 first-aid kit 急救箱




 cotton balls棉花球

 surgical tape透氣膠帶


 Band-Aid OK


 greeting card問候卡    


 year two thousand 2000

 get-well card康復卡

 Get well soon.早日康復

 the past過去

 the present現在

 May I borrow your pen?我可以借你的鉛筆嗎﹖

 I left mine at home.我把我的忘在家裡了

 What color would you like?你喜歡哪種顏色﹖


 This way, please!這邊請! 

魔法ABC  1999/12/29講義



 stool小凳子 / 大便

 What is your hobby?你的嗜好是什麼?

 I like to read.我喜歡閱讀

 surf the internet 遨遊網路



 collect stamps收集郵票


 Happy New Year新年快樂


 Countdown to the year 2000.倒數到2000

 firecracker 鞭炮

 Today is December 29th ,1999.今天是19991229

 There are 3 days left until the year 2000.再過3天就是2000年了

 Time to make your New Year resolution!該定下新年新期許了﹗

 Let's celebrate the new millennium!讓我們來慶祝千禧年﹗

 garlic bread 大蒜麵包

 You decide.你決定 

魔法ABC  1999/12/30講義


 The “t” is silent.”t不發音

 What is your New Year resolution?你的新年新期許是什麼?

 I will stop eating boogers.我將停止吃鼻屎

 I will go to bed early every day. 我將每天早點睡

 I will study harder. 我將用功讀書

 I will quit smoking. 我將不再抽煙

 I will lose weight. 我將要減肥

 Y2K = year two thousand 2000

 holiday spirit佳節氣氛


 holiday spirit in the air佳節氣氛瀰漫在空氣中

 Pray for a good year.祈禱一個好年

 Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!明天是新年夜﹗

 It's the last day of the century!是這世紀的最後一天﹗

 We are entering a new millennium.我們將進入新的千禧年

 Happy New Year!新年快樂﹗

 Where's the restroom?請問洗手間在哪裡?

 I need to go.我需要上廁所


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