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魔法ABC  2000/2/1講義

 sweet potato地瓜


 What are you doing for winter break?你寒假要做什麼

 I am going to stay home and watch TV.我要待在家理和看電視


 on air錄音中

 sound effects音效


 We are live on air.我們在直播

 applause 掌聲


 Your face is so dirty.你的臉好髒

 Go wash your face.去洗臉

 Use some soap.用一些肥皂

 Rinse thoroughly.沖乾淨

 Go get it!快去拿


魔法ABC  2000/2/2講義

 lottery ticket公益彩券

 I won the lottery. = I won.我中獎了

 Which (great) historical figure do you admire?你崇拜哪個歷史人物

 I admire Confucius. 我崇拜孔子


 scientist 科學家

 Sun Yat-sen孫中山

 He is the founding father of our country.他是我們的國父

 George Washington喬治華盛頓




 I am your fan.我是你的歌迷

 mosh pit 搖滾區

 Let’s give him a big hand.我們來為他熱烈鼓掌

 Mommy! What happened to your face?媽咪﹗你的臉怎麼了﹖

 What's that on your face?你臉上那是什麼

 Don’t be scared.別被嚇著了

 I am using a facemask.我在敷臉

 I'm dead meat!我完蛋了

魔法ABC  2000/2/3講義

 UFO = Unidentified Flying Object飛碟

 Who do you want to write a Chinese New Year's greeting card to?你要寫賀年卡給誰﹖

 I want to write to my friend.我要寫給我朋友


 mass rapid transportation = MRT捷運

 bus stop公車站




 I can't wait for Chinese New Year!我等不及過年了

 I will get many red envelopes.我將會得到很多紅包

 I will get to see my relatives.我會看到很多親戚

 I can play with firecrackers!我可以玩煙火

 Keep it up!保持下去  

 macho man 肌肉男

魔法ABC  2000/2/4講義

 Don’t you remember?難道你不記得了嗎

 How do you plan to spend your Chinese New Year’s Eve?你除夕夜計劃怎麼過

 I am going to spend it with my family.我計劃和我的家人在一起

 Chinese New Year’s Eve feast 團員飯

 Chinese New Year’s couplets春聯

 Chinese calligraphy pen毛筆

 Chinese calligraphy書法


 Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve.今天是除夕夜

 I am home for our family reunion.我為了團員飯回家

 We are having a big feast!我們有一個豐盛的大餐

 Let’s stay up all night.讓我們來守歲

 Chinese chess象棋

 You are good.你真厲害

魔法ABC  2000/2/7講義

 video game character電玩人物

 rice cake年糕

 What do you like about Chinese New Year?你喜歡過年的那一部份

 listening station試聽機



 listen to a song聽歌


 Stop hitting me.別再打我了

 pirated CD盜版cd

 This is the year of the dragon.今年是龍年

 Today is January 3rd on the lunar calendar.今天是農曆年初三

 Time to visit relatives and friends.該是拜訪親戚和朋友的時候了

 We wish them a happy New Year!我們祝他們新年快樂

 I am taking a nap.我在睡午覺

 I don’t feel like it!我不想

魔法ABC  2000/2/8講義

 You are very photogenic.你很上相

 How will you use the money from your red envelope?你會如何運用你的壓歲錢

 I will give it to my mother.我會把錢給我媽媽

 I will put it in the bank. = I will save it all up.我會把錢存起來



 tea bag茶包   


 make some tea泡茶

 tea house茶藝館

 coffee shop咖啡館

 tea cup茶杯

 Your toenails are too long.你的腳指甲太長了

 They look disgusting!它們看起來很噁心

 Let me clip them for you.我來為你剪掉它

 Where are the nail clippers?指甲剪在哪裡

 I’m home alone.我一個人在家

魔法ABC  2000/2/9講義


 My face is round .我的臉圓圓的

 What electrical appliances do you want to buy?你想要買什麼電器用品?

 I want to buy a blow dryer.我要買一台吹風機

 curling iron 電捲


 video camera V8

 digital camera數位相機

 MD = mini disc

 pencil sharpener削鉛筆機

 book jacket書套


 book cover(書的)封面

 sharpen your pencil銷鉛筆

 Not too sharp.不要太尖

 automatic pencil 自動鉛筆

 Your bangs are too long. 你的瀏海太長了

 Get me a pair of scissors. 給我一把剪刀

 Let me trim your bangs. 我幫你修一修瀏海

 Not too short! 不要剪太短

 peel an apple削蘋果

 How did you do it?你是怎麼辦到的

魔法ABC  2000/2/10講義



 What means of transportation do you prefer?你喜歡那一種交通工具?

 I prefer to walk.我喜歡用走的

 I prefer to bikes. 我喜歡騎腳踏車

 I prefer to bus. 我喜歡坐公車




 I am so jealous﹗我好忌妒喔﹗

 I am thrilled.我很興奮

 He is too proud.他太驕傲了

 I‘m so proud of you.我以你為傲

 Don’t play with plastic bags. 不要玩塑膠袋

 I can’t breathe! 我不能呼吸了﹗

 Don’t put it over your head. 不要把它套在頭上

 It’s very dangerous. 那很危險

 The phone keeps ringing.電話一直響

 Don’t mention it. 不客氣,不謝!

魔法ABC  2000/2/11講義

 I’m going to kick your butt.我要踢你的屁股/我要打敗你

 What kind of American food do you like to eat?你喜歡吃那一種美國食物?

 chicken fingers雞柳

 onion rings洋蔥圈

 potato skin馬鈴薯皮

 fried mozzarella炸馬斯拉

 buffalo wings辣雞翅



 work out健身

 I go to the gym every week.我每週都去健身房

 flabby 軟趴趴的

 Stay away from the stove! 離瓦斯爐遠一點

 Be careful! 小心點

 Don’t play with fire. 不要玩火

 I don’t want you to get burned. 我不想要你被燙到

 What happened?發生什麼事

 soy sauce 醬油


魔法ABC  2000/2/14講義

 fountain噴水池 / 飲水機


 How do your parents punish you?你的父母如何處罰你

 They spank my butt.他們打我屁股

 child abuse虐待兒童

 Youre grounded.禁足

 They cut my allowance.他們扣我的零用錢

 hand dryer烘手機



 Captain Hook虎克船長

 Be careful. 小心

 I just mopped the floor. 我剛剛才拖的地

 The floor is wet. 地板很濕

 I don’t want to slip and fall. 我不想滑倒


 report card成績單

 That reminds me!我想起來了

魔法ABC  2000/2/15講義

 tie your shoelaces綁鞋帶

 Are you on-line?你有上網嗎

 What do you do on-line?你上網做什麼

 I chat with friends.我跟朋友聊天

 I search for info.我找資料

 I download video games.我下載遊戲

 I check my stocks.我查看股票




 presidential election總統大選


 Im going to vote for Jenny.我要投票給Jenny

 Don’t play with scissors. 不要玩剪刀

 You might cut yourself. 你可能會割傷自己

 Don’t worry. 不要擔心

 I will be very careful. 我會很小心

 He is sound asleep.他睡得很好

 How could you?你怎麼可以

魔法ABC  2000/2/16講義

 mouse pad滑鼠墊

 What kind of fish do you like to eat?你喜歡吃什麼魚

 I like (to eat) salmon.我喜歡吃鮭魚

 tuna 鮪魚


 sea bass鱸魚



 shoe polish鞋油


 platform shoes厚底鞋

 polish your shoes擦亮你的鞋子

 untie your shoelaces解開你的鞋帶

 I’m so thirsty. 我好渴

 I need something to drink. 我要喝的

 There is a water fountain. 那裡有一檯飲水機

 Thank God! 謝天謝地

 How did you know?你怎麼知道

魔法ABC  2000/2/17講義

 What is your last name?你姓什麼

 Which reptiles scare you the most?你最害怕哪一種爬蟲類

 I am scared of snake.我怕蛇

 lizard 蜥蜴








 turn the volume down音量轉小

 turn the volume up音量轉大

 There is no signal.這裡沒訊號

 barbwire 鐵絲網

 Time for lunch! 吃飯囉

 Let’s get our lunchboxes! 我們去拿便當

 Does anyone want my fish? 有誰要我的魚

 Can I have your vegetables? 我可以吃你的青菜嗎?

 Don’t stare.不要盯著別人

 Watch where you’re going!走路要看路

魔法ABC  2000/2/18講義

 Japanese soap opera日劇

 What flavor of dumplings do you like?你喜歡哪一種口味的湯圓

 I like peanut flavor / dumplings.我喜歡花生口味 / 湯圓

 sesame 芝麻

 red bean紅豆

 meat dumplings鮮肉湯圓

 green tea dumplings抹茶湯圓

 plain dumplings原味湯圓



 coffee bean咖啡豆

 Could I have a latte please?一杯拿鐵(點餐時使用)

 grinder 磨豆機

 grind the coffee beans磨咖啡豆

 coffee maker咖啡機

 What do you want to wear today? 你今天想穿什麼﹖

 Just a sweatshirt. 一件運動衫就好了

 But it’s so cold! 可是天氣好冷

 I think you should wear a sweater. 我覺得你應該穿件毛衣


 Chinese lantern花燈

 Lantern Festival元宵節

魔法ABC  2000/2/21講義

 German Shepherd大狼狗

 Where do you like to study?你喜歡在哪裡讀書

 I like to study at school.我喜歡在學校讀書

 I like to study at home. 我喜歡在家裡讀書

 I like to study in the (school)library. 我喜歡在(學校)圖書館讀書

 leading actor 男主角



 leading actress女主角

 supporting actor男配角

 This movie has a great cast.這部電影卡司很強

 He is naked.他沒穿衣服

 What should I wear today?我今天要穿什麼呢

 This cardigan looks nice.這件羊毛衫看起來不錯

 You look nice in pink.你穿粉紅色很好看

 Pink is in this season.這一季流行粉紅色

 Of course!那當然

 He has good math.他數學很好

魔法ABC  2000/2/22講義

 egg tart蛋塔

 What can you repair?你會修理什麼東西?

 I can repair my bicycle.我會修理腳踏車




 Wow! That’s pretty high­-tech.哇﹗真是高科技

 What are you going to wear today? 你今天要穿什麼﹖

 I can't decide. 我拿不定主意

 I have nothing to wear. 我沒衣服穿

 I need to go shopping! 我需要去逛街買衣服﹗

 superstition 迷信


魔法ABC  2000/2/23講義

 Can I give you a hand?NO,thanks.需要幫忙嗎﹖不用了,謝謝

 Do you like to live in the city or in the country ? Why?你喜歡住在城市或是鄉下?為什麼?

 country = countryside 鄉下

 I like to live in the city.我喜歡住在城市

 Because there are more things to do.因為有較多的事情可以做

 convenient 方便

 Because the air is cleaner.因為空氣很乾淨

 pollution 污染



 blow a kiss飛吻

 He winked at me.他對我眨眼睛

 Blow me a kiss.給我一個飛吻

 I am going hiking today. 我今天要去健行

 What should I wear? 我應該穿什麼?

 How about a fleece jacket? 穿這件保暖的外套如何?

 That’s a great idea! 好主意!

 You misunderstood.你誤會了

 cushion 抱枕

魔法ABC  2000/2/24講義



 What currency is this ?這是哪一種貨幣?

 New Taiwan Dollar = NT Dollar台幣

 US Dollar美金

 Deutsche mark馬克

 Japanese Yen日元

 French Franc法郎

 Thai Baht泰銖

 British Pound英鎊

 canned food罐頭食品

 frozen food冷凍食品

 saran wrap保鮮膜

 can opener開罐器


 You have such a huge wardrobe! 你的衣櫃好大!

 You have so many clothes. 你有好多衣服

 Can I borrow this jersey? 我可不可以跟你借這件運動衫?

 No way! It’s brand new! 不行!這是全新的!

 massage 按摩


 Is it better?好點了嗎?

魔法ABC  2000/2/25講義

 go poo-poo上大號(大便)

 go pee-pee上小號(尿尿)

 What kinds of monsters scare you the most?你最害怕哪一種怪物?


 vampire = Dracula  吸血鬼

 zombiz 殭屍


 I ‘m so scared.我很害怕

 stage fright怯場




 I’m so nervous.我很緊張

 He is so moody.他很情緒化

 I’m in a good mood.我心情很好

 When do you need to get up tomorrow? 你明天要幾點起床?

 Seven o`clock in the morning.早上七點

 That early? ! 這麼早?!

 Don’t forget to set your alarm clock! 別忘了設定鬧鐘

 perfect score 滿分


魔法ABC  2000/2/28講義



 What material is your floor at home?你家是什麼材質地板?

 wood 木板





 drug store = pharmacy藥局


 pain killer = Tylencl止痛藥


 take your medicine吃藥

 Mommy,can you wake me up tomorrow?媽咪,你明天可以叫我起床嗎﹖

 I have an exam tomorrow.我明天有個考試

 I don’t want to oversleep.我不想睡過頭

 I can’t miss the bus!我不能錯過公車

 He stood me up.他放我鴿子

 I got stood up.我被放鴿子了

 No wonder!難怪

魔法ABC  2000/2/29講義

 Buzz Lightyear巴斯光年

 To infinity and beyond!飛向宇宙,浩瀚無限﹗

 What monument is this?這是什麼建築物?

 The Leaning Tower比薩斜塔

 The Great Wall長城

 The pyramid(s)金字塔

 The Statue of Liberty自由女神

 The Arch of Triumph凱旋門

 The Eiffel Tower愛菲爾鐵塔





 I am late!我遲到了

 What happened?發生了什麼事

 The alarm clock did not go off!鬧鐘沒有響

 I am dead meat!我死定了

 How would you know! 你又知道了


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