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魔法ABC  2000/5/1講義

 I live a happy life.我過著快樂的生活

 What is your favorite kind of story?你最喜歡哪種故事

 mystery 偵探小說

 ghost stories鬼故事

 fairy tales童話故事







 Don’t be so selfish.不要這麼自私

 Mommy’s birthday is coming up.媽媽的生日要到了

 When is it?什麼時候

 Don’t you know?你不知道嗎

 How could you?你怎麼可以(不知道)

 color pencils 色鉛筆


 Don’t be so wasteful.不要這麼浪費

魔法ABC  2000/5/2講義


 Did you wear braces?你有戴過牙套嗎



 What is your favorite weather?你最喜歡哪一種天氣

 I like sunny days.我喜歡晴天

 I like it when it’s cold.我喜歡天氣冷冷的

 cloudy 多雲的



 hot 熱的

 cool 涼快的




 The sun rises from the east, and sets into the west.太陽由東邊升起,由西邊落下。

 reflection 倒影

 We are sisters.我們是姊妹

 Who’s older?(年紀)比較大?

 I am.我是

 I am younger.我比較小

 certificate of merit 獎狀

 How is that possible?怎麼可能

魔法ABC  2000/5/3講義

 I am learning how to roller blade.我在學溜直排滑輪

 What do you have to do before you sleep?睡覺前你一定要做什麼

 I have to brush my teeth. 我必須要刷牙

 I have to finish my homework. 我必須要做完我的功課

 I have to say good night to my grandparents. 我必須要跟我的爺爺奶奶說晚安

 I have to set my alarm clock.我必須要設定我的鬧鐘



 bell bottoms喇叭褲



 Are you brothers?你們是兄弟嗎


 Who’s younger?誰是弟弟?

 I am.我是


 Talk in your sleep.說夢話

 I’m behind you all the way.我支持你         

魔法ABC  2000/5/4講義




 ant eater食蟻獸

 What should I do in Miami?我在邁阿密應該做些什麼?


 bikini = two-piece swimsuit比基尼

 You can go shopping.你可以去購物

 Go to the beach.去海灘

 Go sunbathing.去做日光浴



 passion fruit百香果


 pear shaped梨形


 Are you two brothers and sisters?你們是兄妹嗎

 Yes. We are two years apart.對,我們差兩歲

 I am two years older.我大他兩歲

 I am two years younger.我小他兩歲

 You can do it.你一定辦得到

魔法ABC  2000/5/5講義

 Please call me back.請回我電話

 What do you wear to sleep?你睡覺時穿什麼

 My pajamas. = My PJ’s 我的睡衣

 An oversized T-shirt. 特大號T-shirt





 Curiosity killed the cat.好奇心會殺死一隻貓

 Be confident.要有信心

 Don’t be so modest.不要這麼謙虛

 Are you two twins?你們是雙胞胎嗎?

 Yes! We are twin sisters.是的,我們是雙胞胎姊姊

 You look exactly the same.你們看起來一模一樣

 How interesting!真有趣!

 Who farted?誰放屁

 What’s that smell?什麼味道呀

魔法ABC  2000/5/8講義


 Which part of the globe is this?這是地球的哪一部份?

 This is the equator.這是赤道

 International Date Line 國際換日線

 Northern Hemisphere北半球

 Southern Hemisphere南半球

 North Pole北極

 South Pole南極

 gas station加油站

 gas meter油錶

 gasoline = gas汽油

 I need to get gas.我需要加油了

 full 滿的

 empty 空的

 gas tank油箱

 We are twins.我們是雙胞胎

 We look alike.我們看起來很像

 We dress alike.我們的穿著很像

 We think alike. 我們的想法很像

 wet your bed 尿床

 So that’s what happened!原來如此

魔法ABC  2000/5/9講義


 Where do you get news from?你從哪裡獲得新資訊?

 From the newspaper.從報紙

 From magazines. 從雜誌

 From the radio. 從收音機

 From TV. 從電視

 From the internet. 從網路

 star sign*字鍵

 pound sign#字鍵

 hold保留 /


 Could you hold please?你能等一下嗎

 Hold me tight.抱緊我

 It’s getting warmer.天氣越來越熱了

 Summer is coming.夏天來了

 Flowers are blooming.花都開了

 Trees are blooming, too.樹也發芽了

 spring 春天




 He is a good / bad cook.他是一個 / 廚師

 Looks can be deceiving.人不可貌相

魔法ABC  2000/5/10講義

 They are a couple.他們是一對

 Do you know any nocturnal animals?你知道有什麼夜行動物嗎

 gray fox 灰狐


 night monkey夜猴

 bat 蝙蝠


 I’m a night owl.我是夜貓子

 raccoon 浣熊

 health check-up健康檢查



 Check it out.去看看

 Weigh yourself on the scale.量體重

 I’m bleeding.我在流血

 It’s hot today.今天好熱

 Can we turn the AC on?我們可以打開空調嗎

 It’s not that hot!還沒那麼熱ㄚ

 Let’s wait a few more days.讓我們再等幾天

 horseback riding 騎馬

 Don’t go overboard.不要太過份

魔法ABC  2000/5/11講義

 What time would you like to meet?你想在什麼時候碰面

 I am stuck in traffic .我塞在車陣中

 What are you getting your mother for mother’s day?母親節你會送媽媽什麼

 I’m making her a card.我會做一張卡片給她

 a dress洋裝

 a necklace 項鍊




 This must be my lucky day.今天運氣真好

 Please give me one more chance.請再給我一次機會

 lucky draw 幸運抽獎

 I’m dozing off.我在打瞌睡

 Could you bring me a blanket?你可以給我一件毯子嗎

 I need a pillow, too.我還需要一個枕頭

 Thanks a billion.非常感謝你

 Just watch me!看我的!

魔法ABC  2000/5/12講義

 Don’t give me that.少來這套

 How are you going to celebrate mother’s day?你要如何慶祝母親節?

 We are going out to dinner.我們會去外面吃晚餐

 I’m going to make dinner for my mother.我將會為我媽媽做晚餐

 I’m going to do the house work for my mother, and let her relax for a whole day.我將會為我媽媽做家事,而且讓她休息一整天


 ironing board燙衣板

 (coat) hanger衣架

 Iron the dress.燙衣服

 Can you hang this up for me?你可以幫我把衣服掛起來嗎

 Don’t fall asleep on the sofa.不要在沙發上睡著了

 You’ll catch a cold.你會感冒ㄛ

 I’ll get you a blanket.我會給你一件毯子

 Wake me up in an hour.一小時後叫我起床

 soccer 足球


 Break a leg!祝你好運

魔法ABC  2000/5/15講義

 roller coaster雲霄飛車

 This is so scary!太恐怖了

 Im so scared!我好害怕

 What are you doing in the park? 你現在在公園做什麼?

 What do you do in the park?你都在公園做什麼

 I exercise.我(在公園)運動

 I jog.我(在公園)慢跑

 I roller blade. 我(在公園)溜直排滑輪

 Walk the dog.溜狗

 I take walks.我(在公園)散步

 wine glass高腳杯

 shot glass小酒杯


 souvenir shot glass紀念酒杯


 Look! Its Britney Spears!看!是布蘭妮小甜甜!

 Im her fan!我是她的歌迷

 Im so excited!我好興奮ㄛ

 Lets go talk to her.我們去跟她說話

 He has a fever.他發燒了

 Get a shot.打針

 Dont be a wimp.不要像隻縮頭烏龜

 He is such a wimp.你真是個軟弱的人

 drool 流口水

魔法ABC  2000/5/16講義

 Forget it!算了吧

 What natural disaster scares you?你最害怕什麼天然災難?

 volcano eruption 火山爆發







 horse stand蹲馬步

 high wire吊鋼絲

 self defense防身術

 Chinese Kung Fu = martial arts中國功夫

 fly 飛 / 蒼蠅

 pepper spray防狼噴霧

 Look! Its Christina Aguilera.看!是Christina Aguilera

 I cant believe it!我不敢相信

 I want her autograph.我想要她的簽名

 This is my lucky day.真是我的幸運日

 car magazine 汽車雜誌

 That would be breath-taking.那一定很刺激

魔法ABC  2000/5/17講義

 Hows it going? = How have you been lately?近來好嗎

 What would you do when you are tired?你疲勞時會做什麼?

 I am tired.我很累

 You look tired.你看起來很累

 I would sleep.我會去睡覺

 Take a nap.小睡一下


 Wash my face.洗臉

 Pinch myself.捏自己

 Have a cup of coffee.喝一杯咖啡




 a group of mothers一群媽媽




 standing ovation起立鼓掌

 Hey! Isnt that Jackie Chan?嗨!那不是成龍嗎?

 It is him!就是他

 Im so nervous.我好緊張ㄛ

 I love his movies!我喜歡他的電影

 karaoke 卡拉ok

 Let him go!別煩他了

魔法ABC  2000/5/18講義

 banana split香蕉船

 jet ski水上摩托車

 Do you bathe yourself?你自己洗澡嗎?

 My grandma bathes me.我奶奶幫我洗澡








 I have / got rashes.我長疹子

 Did you brush your teeth?你刷牙了嗎

 Oops, I forgot.ㄛ,我忘了

 You have to brush your teeth twice a day.你一定要一天刷牙兩次

 Use your toothbrush and toothpaste.用你的牙刷和牙膏

 Did you finish your homework yet?你做完回家功課了嗎

 Get on it. = Go do it right now.快去做

魔法ABC  2000/5/19講義

 No offense.沒惡意

 even though雖然

 Do you know how to clean your room?你知道如何整理你的房間嗎

 Make my bed.整好床

 Fold my blanket / clothes.折棉被 /衣服

 Organize my desk.整理書桌

 Put away the toys.放好玩具

 Sweep the floor.掃地


 tip toe踮腳尖


 Kick your butt.踢你的屁股 / 打敗你

 I tip toed into the room.我踮腳尖進房間

 Can you do a split?你會劈腿嗎

 Did you remember to floss?記得用牙線清潔嗎

 How do I floss?怎麼用牙線

 Use the floss and your fingers.用牙線和你的手指ㄚ

 Floss your teeth everyday.要每天用牙線清理你的牙齒ㄛ

 She is on the phone.她在講電話

 Dont talk behind someones back.不要在別人背後講壞話

魔法ABC  2000/5/22講義



 rubber band橡皮筋

 How do you study for a test?你如何準備考試

 exam = examination 考試

 quiz 小考

 reference book參考書

 I study everyday.我每天看書

 I cram.我惡補

 I cheat.我作弊

 I read my test book.我讀教科書




 2 plus 2 equals 4  2+2 =4

 2 minus 2 equals zero 2-2=0

 Can you add?你會做加法嗎

 Can you subtract?你會做減法嗎

 Where are you going?你們要去哪裡

 We are visiting the dentist.我們要去看牙醫

 I go twice a year.我一年去兩次

 The dentist checks my teeth.牙醫會檢查我的牙齒

 Iron his shirt.燙襯衫

 Shine his shoes.擦皮鞋

 Leave it to me.交給我準沒錯

魔法ABC  2000/5/23講義

 peach 桃子色

 arrange (the) flowers插花

 founding father國父

 What kind of socks do you like to wear?你喜歡穿哪一種襪子?

 a pair of socks 一雙襪子

 ankle socks短襪

 quarter socks 4分之1

 crew socks較長的短襪

 knee socks及膝襪



 car wash洗車場


 sunroof = moonroof天窗

 I need to get my car washed.我需要洗車

 Wax your legs.除腿毛

 You have crooked teeth!你的牙齒歪歪的

 You need to wear braces.你需要戴牙套

 But braces are so ugly.但是戴牙套很醜

 You will have straight teeth afterwards.戴了之後你將會有挺直的牙齒

 He’s in love.他戀愛了

 Make yourself at home.不要客氣當自己家

魔法ABC  2000/5/24講義





 What do you do when you hear music?你聽到音樂時會做什麼

 listen to music 聽音樂

 Clap my hands.拍手

 Tap my foot.用腳打拍子

 Sing along. 跟著音樂唱

 Whistle along. 跟著音樂吹口哨

 Dance to / with the music.跟著音樂跳舞

 I turn it off.我會關掉它

 blow dryer吹風機

 hair curler髮捲

 hair gel髮膠



 curling iron電捲

 hair spray噴霧髮膠


 You have baby teeth!你有乳牙

 They are so small and white.他們很小而且白

 When will I get permanent teeth?我何時會有恆齒呢

 When you get older.當你年紀大一點的時候

 empty 空的

 bird cage鳥籠

 I didn’t mean to.我是不小心的

魔法ABC  2000/5/25講義




 What part of a tooth is this?這是牙齒的哪一個部位?

 crown 牙冠



 gum line牙齦線

 bottle cap瓶蓋

 bottle opener開罐器


 bottle lid 寬口瓶蓋

 can opener(罐頭) 開罐器

 wine opener酒瓶開罐器

 I lost my front tooth!我的門牙掉了

 Keep your tooth.收起你的牙齒

 Put it under your pillow.放在你的枕頭下

 The tooth fairy will come tonight.牙齒的精靈今晚將會來到

 Mommy went to buy groceries.嗎咪去買菜

 It’s nothing.小事一樁

魔法ABC  2000/5/26講義

 Beats me!我也不知道

 Do you know how to keep your teeth healthy?你知道要如何保持牙齒健康嗎?

 You have to brush your teeth twice a day.你必須每天刷兩次牙

 You have to floss everyday.你必須每天用牙線

 Use mouthwash.用漱口水

 Visit the dentist regularly.有規律的看牙醫

 Stay away from sweets.遠離甜食





 Wave at the crowd.向人群揮手

 feast 大餐

 Shake your fist at someone.威脅某人

 He got elected.他當選了

 Look at my teeth, Mommy.嗎咪,看我的牙齒

 A new tooth is erupting!一顆新的牙齒長出來了

 That’s your permanent tooth.那是你的恆齒

 Keep it clean and healthy!保持它乾淨和健康

 Cancel your booking.取消定位

 Confirm your booking.確認定位

 What can go wrong?不可能出錯的

魔法ABC  2000/5/29講義

 Ask for directions.問路

 I got a mosquito bite!我被蚊子咬了

 Have you been to the dentist lately? What for?你最近有去看牙醫嗎?為什麼?

 For my regular check up.去定期檢查

 To fill my cavity.去補蛀牙

 To get a crown.去戴牙套

 To get my tooth pulled.去拔牙


 hang gliding滑翔翼


 sky diving跳傘

 You have a beautiful smile.你有個美麗的笑容

 You have perfect teeth.你有完美的牙齒

 Did you wear braces?你有戴過牙套嗎

 For two years.戴了兩年

 I got a promotion.我升官了

 My treat.我請客

魔法ABC  2000/5/31講義

 dim sum港式飲茶

 shrimp dumplings蝦餃

 What is your favorite kind of chocolate?你喜歡哪一種巧克力?

 milk chocolate牛奶巧克力

 dark chocolate黑巧克力

 white chocolate牛奶巧克力

 chocolate bar巧克力棒

 dark chocolate with almonds inside 有杏仁的黑巧克力

 any kid of chocolate with nuts inside任何包有果核的巧克力



 heat stroke中暑

 You look so pale .what’s wrong?怎麼了?你看起來蒼白.

 I’m going to faint?我快要昏倒?

 he had a stroke他有中風

 facial expressions臉部表情

 What’s her favorite kind of chocolate?她喜歡哪一種巧克力?

 How can I keep my teeth healthy?要如何保持牙齒健康?

 Brush and floss daily.每天用牙刷及牙線清潔.

 Don’t eat too many candies.不要吃太多糖果.

 Visit the dentist regularly.定期看牙醫.

 Practice makes perfect熟能生巧.


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