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魔法ABC  2000/9/1講義

 Can you make it cheaper?可不可以算便宜一點?



 What comes to mind when I say airplane?當我說飛機時你會想到什麼?




 planes fly飛機會飛



 chicken wings雞翅膀

 I get sick on the plane.我會暈機.






 Use your imagination.運用你的想像力.

 Let’s play hide-and-seek.我們來玩捉迷藏.

 You’re it!你當鬼

 Everybody hide.每個人都去躲起來.

 I’ll count to ten.我會數到十.

 It is a bird.那是一隻鳥.

 Everybody laugh.每個人都笑.

 Everybody sit down.每個人都坐下來.

 You misunderstood me.你誤會我了.


 Don’t give me that.別跟我來這一套.

 San Francisco舊金山

 jet lag時差

 Do you have jet lag?你有時差嗎?

 Yes,I have jet lag.,我有時差.

魔法ABC  2000/9/4講義

 What a coincidence!很巧!

 How do you remember important dates?你如何記住重要的日子

 I write them down.我記下來.

 I write them on a calendar.我記在日曆上.



 I have a day planner.我有行事曆.

 My mom reminds me.我媽媽提醒我.

 I make mental notes.我記在心裡面.

 swimming cap泳帽


 starting block跳水台



 Kick the water.踢水.

 diving board跳水台

 I’m going to a wedding.我要去參加婚禮.

 A spider is on my arm!有隻蜘蛛在我手臂上

 Just flick it off.把它彈掉就好了.

 That’s gross!好噁心

 You do it!你來

 A deer caught in the headlights.手足無措.

 I was like a deer caught in the headlights.我當時被嚇到手足無措.

 I feel very embarrassed.我覺得非常不好意思.

 personal digital assistant  PDA

 I tell my mother.我告訴我媽媽.

 My mother tells my father.我媽媽告訴我爸爸.

 My father reminds me.我爸爸提醒我.

 Then I tell my mother again.然後我再告訴我媽媽一次.

 I write them on my date book.我寫在我的行事曆上.

魔法ABC  2000/9/5講義

 people person人緣很好的人

 He is a people person.他是個人緣很好的人.

 What are some outdoor survival skills?有哪些野外求生技巧?

 Using a compass.使用指南針.

 get lost迷路

 building a fire生火

 erecting a tent搭帳棚






 Cheerleaders are popular.啦啦隊很受歡迎.

 Cheerleader squad整個啦啦隊

 Give me a T!給我一個T!

 Give me an E!給我一個E!

 Give me an A!給我一個A!

 Give me an M!給我一個M!


 Let’s do the wave.我們來玩波浪舞.


 wave goodbye揮手說再見

 I have to see my grandma.我要去看我奶奶.

 Are you happy?你高興嗎

 Yes and no.高興也不高興.

 She always pinches my cheeks.她每次都捏我的臉.



 I flunked.我被當掉了.

 I flunked my math test.我的數學考試被當掉了.

 Don’t ignore me.不要不理我.

 You look sissy.你像娘娘腔.

 I look good.我看起來很好.

 I build a fire.我生火.

 I use a compass.我用指南針.

魔法ABC  2000/9/6講義

 Watch yourself!請注意你的言行舉止!

 What do you do in the car when there’s a traffic jam?塞車時你都在車上幹嘛

 I take a nap.我小睡一下.

 I listen to some music.我聽一些音樂.

 I read.我看書.

 I complain about the traffic jam.我抱怨有關塞車.

 I turn off the car.我把車子熄火.

 casual wear休閒服

 formal wear正式服裝







 evening gown晚禮服

 Is it casual or formal?是要穿休閒服還是正式服裝?

 Nice outfit!穿的很好看!

 I like your outfit.我喜歡你今天的樣子.

 It’s good to see you!很高興見到你

 Let me squeeze you.讓我抱抱你.

 Ok, but not too hard.,但不要抱得太緊.

 I can’t breathe.我無法呼吸.

 Let me hug you.讓我抱你.

 It’s too hard!這很難!

 It’s very hard!這很硬!

 How do I look?我看起來怎麼樣?

 Wait up!等我一下!

 I take a nap in the car.我在車子內小睡一下.

 I listen to the radio.我聽收音機.

 I complain in the car when there’s a traffic jam.當塞車時我會在車子內抱怨.

魔法ABC  2000/9/7講義

 I’ll do my best.我會盡全力.

 I will give it my best shot.我會盡全力.

 I will do what I can.我會盡全力.

 How do you show support as a fan?你如何支持偶像

 I show support by…我支持偶像

 I show support by buying albums.我支持偶像買他的專輯.

 I show support by going to concerts.我支持偶像參加他的演唱會.

 fan club歌迷會

 I show support by joining fan clubs.我支持偶像參加他的歌迷會.

 I show support by sending fan mail.我支持偶像寄信給他.

 I show support by sending presents.我支持偶像送他禮物.




 I’m hurt.我被傷到了.

 You hurt my feelings.你傷了我的感情.


 Your wound is infected.你的傷口發炎了.

 Your cut is infected.你的切傷發炎了.


 Yawning is contagious.打哈欠是會傳染的.

 He is a bully.他是個惡霸.

 What did he do?他做了什麼

 He punched me.他打了我一拳.

 What a jerk.真是個討人厭的傢伙.

 He gave me a punch.他給我一拳.


 Do you want a free punch?你要一杯免費的果汁嗎?

 What an idiot.真是個白痴.


 Pizza is fattening.披薩是容易發胖的.

 Cake is fattening.蛋糕是容易發胖的.

 I couldn’t care less.我毫不在乎.

 Who is your idol?誰是你的偶像?

 I go to their concerts.我去他們的演唱會.

 I write fan mail.我寫信給偶像.

 I send presents.我送禮物.

魔法ABC  2000/9/8講義

 Please close the door behind you.隨手關門.

 What comes to mind when I say castle?當我說到城堡你會想到什麼?





 fairy tale童話故事








 droopy eyes睡眼惺忪

 Cover your mouth.遮住你的嘴吧.

 I’m stretching.我在伸懶腰.

 I’m going to stretch my legs.我要去散步.

 My eyelids are heavy.我的眼皮好重.

 Don’t pat my head!不能拍我的頭

 Why not?為什麼不行

 You’ll mess up my hair.你會把我的頭髮弄亂.

 But your hair is ugly.但你的髮型很醜.

 Pat someone’s head.拍某人的頭.


 Let’s call it a day!今天到此為止吧!

 You are a liar!你說謊!


魔法ABC  2000/9/11講義



 Stop screaming.停止尖叫.

 I want to close my account.我要停止我的戶頭.

 What traffic rules should you follow?你要注意哪些交通規則?

 Walk on the sidewalk.走路要走人行道.

 Don’t walk on the street.不要走在車道上.

 Walk when there’s a green light.看到綠燈要走.

 Stop when there’s a red light.看到紅燈要停.

 pedestrian crossing斑馬線

 Use the pedestrian crossing.走斑馬線.

 Don’t drink and drive.不要又喝酒又開車.





 What’s your title?你的頭銜是什麼?

 I’m a hostess.我是女主持人.

 turn the page翻頁


 mark the page這頁做記號

 Watch me!看我!

 What are you going to do?你要做什麼?

 I’m going t float on the water.我要浮在水上.

 Don’t sink!不要沉下去!


 Let’s play Jenga.來玩層層疊.

 It’s your turn.該你了.

 It’s falling!倒下來了!

 Don’t freak out!別激動!

 I walk when there’s a green light.我看到綠燈就走.

 I stop when there’s a red light.我看到紅燈就停下來.

 rice wine米酒

魔法ABC  2000/9/12講義


 playing cards撲克牌

 shuffle the cards洗撲克牌

 How should a gentleman be?男生要如何當一個紳士?

 A gentleman should…. 當一個紳士要….

 Open the door for others.為其他人開門.

 Practice ladies first.女士優先.


 A gentleman should be thoughtful.當一個紳士要體貼.


 A gentleman should be curtious.當一個紳士要禮貌.


 try on試穿


 apple green蘋果綠


 I want to try this on.我要是穿這件衣服.

 fitting room試衣間

 alter the length修改長度

 I can make a splash.我可以弄一個水花.

 I can jump in the water.我可以跳到水裡面.

 Don’t splash me.不要噴到我.

 I don’t want to get wet.我不想被弄濕.


 I want to make a Pikachu.我要捏一個皮丘.

 This is going nowhere!毫無進展!

 Be polite.要客氣.

 You are fake.你很假.

 How should a lady be?女生要如何當一個淑女?

 A lady should be like me.要當一個淑女就像我一樣.

魔法ABC  2000/9/13講義




 What names do you call your friends?你對你的朋友有哪些暱稱?





 hi hun,I'm home.嗨蜜糖,我回家了.


 Hi buddy!嗨好朋友!

 Hi pal!嗨好朋友!

 blood test驗血

 blood type血型

 blood donation捐血


 take a blood test去驗血

 What's your blood type?你是什麼血型?

 Tomorrow I will donate blood.明天我要去捐血.

 blood bank血庫

 This water is deep.這水很深.

 I can't touch the bottom.我碰不到底.

 You must tread water.你必須踢水.

 It will keep you up.那會保持你在水上.


 the deep end深的那邊

 the shallow end淺的那邊

 I forgot my speech.我忘了我的演講稿.

 I forgot what I was going to say.我忘了我本來要講什麼.

 Get your act together!振作起來!

 fat boy胖男生


魔法ABC  2000/9/14講義

 pine tree松樹

 pine cone松果


 What do you in the post office?你會去郵局做什麼?

 I deposit money.我存錢.

 I withdraw money.我提錢.

 I mail letters.我寄信.


 I pick up parcels.我領包裹.

 I buy stamps.我買郵票.

 I wait in line forever.我一直在排隊.





 Pump the tire.幫輪胎打氣.

 I’m pumped!我很興奮!

 I’m excited!我很興奮!


 The floor is slippery.地板滑滑的

 slippery skin滑滑的皮膚

 Can you swim?你會游泳嗎?

 I’m still learning.我還在學.

 I can kick my feet.我會踢水.

 Good for you.太好了.

 Do you speak English?你會說英文嗎?

 Can you play the piano?你會彈鋼琴嗎?

 I got carried away!我太投入了!

 Don’t get carried away.不要得意忘形.


 Men are fickle.男人是善變的.

 My mother deposits money,and I keep her company.我陪我媽媽去郵局存錢.


魔法ABC  2000/9/15講義

 chicken pox水痘



 I have so many pimples.我有很多青春痘.

 What comes to your mind when I say haunted house?當我說鬼屋的時候你會想到什麼?

 That house is haunted.那個房子是鬼屋.

 I think about ghosts.我想到鬼.

 I’m afraid of ghosts.我怕鬼.

 I’m afraid of cockroaches.我怕蟑螂.

 I pee my pants.我會尿褲子.

 I hate horror movies.我恨鬼片.

 haunted house鬼屋

 driver’s seat駕駛座


 gas cap油蓋

 back seat後座

 front seat前座

 elephant’s trunk象鼻子

 Pop the trunk for me.幫我開行李箱.

 I need to get gas.我需要加油.

 What are you doing?你在做什麼?

 I’m blowing bubbles.我在吹泡泡.

 It helps me swim.這能幫助我游泳.

 I can do it,too.我也會吹泡泡.



 Don’t be a cry baby!不要這麼脆弱!


 Stop whining.停止哀嗚了.


 Halloween is coming.萬聖節快到了.

魔法ABC  2000/9/19講義

 Strike a match.拿火柴劃一下火柴盒.

 What smells do you hate?你討厭什麼味道?

 I hate the smell of ________.我討厭­­­_____的味道.

 I hate the smell of gutters.我討厭­­­臭水溝的味道.

 I hate the smell of garbage trucks.我討厭­­­垃圾車的味道.

 I hate the smell of public restrooms.我討厭­­­公廁的味道.

 I hate body odor.我討厭狐臭味.


 road sign路標



 right lane右線

 follow the road sign遵守路標

 an arrow pointing right箭頭指向右邊

 an arrow pointing left箭頭指向左邊

 sense of direction方向感

 I have no sense of direction.我沒有方向感.

 Look how fast I can swim.你看我能游多快.

 I use my flippers to swim.我都穿蛙鞋游泳.

 Can I try them?我能是穿嗎?

 You look like a fish!你看起來像隻魚!

 secret admirer暗戀者

 You double crossed me.你出賣我.




 smelly feet臭腳ㄚ

 bad breath口臭

 stinky feet臭腳ㄚ

魔法ABC  2000/9/20講義

 There’s nothing to be scared of.有什麼好怕的.

 What is he/she doing?/她在做什麼?

 Mommy is cooking.媽咪在燒東西.

 Daddy is reading the newspaper.爹地在讀報紙.

 Grandma is wiping the plates.奶奶在擦盤子.

 He is feeding the dog.他在餵狗

 She is doing the laundry.她在洗衣服




 egg white蛋白

 egg yolk蛋黃

 burn calories燃燒卡路里

 You are fat.你好胖.


 What are you wearing to the beach?你要穿什麼去海邊?

 I’m wearing my bikini.我要穿比基尼.

 I want to get a tan.我要曬黑.

 Don’t forget your suntan lotion.別忘了帶加曬油.


 sun block防曬油

 Is that so?真的是這樣嗎?

 bad guys壞人



魔法ABC  2000/9/22講義


 scaredy cat膽小鬼

 Don’t be such a chicken.別那麼膽小.

 Magic Lamp神燈


 A genie lives in the Magic Lamp.一個精靈住在神燈裡.

 Rub the Magic Lamp.擦一擦神燈.

 The genie gives you three wishes.精靈會給你三個願望.

 A cloud of smoke.一團煙.





 It’s dubbed in Chinese.這是中文配音.

 This movie is dubbed in Chinese.這部電影是中文配音.


 Speak into the microphone.對著麥克風說話.

 Throw me the life ring.把救生圈丟給我.

 Are you sinking?你要沉了嗎?

 Life rings aren’t for playing.救生圈不能拿來玩.

 Knives aren’t for playing.刀子不能拿來玩.

 Super Natural Powers超能力

 Zero in on it!集中注意力!

 Everything was perfect except for the weather.每一件事都很好美中不足的是天氣不好.

 What comes to your mind when I say Magic Lamp.當我說神燈的時候你會想到什麼.

魔法ABC  2000/9/25講義

 She’s popular.她很有人緣.

 She’s popular at school.她在學校很有人緣.

 What do you like to do on the lawn?你喜歡在草地上做什麼?

 I like to roll on the lawn.我喜歡在草地上滾.

 I like to have a barbecue.我喜歡在草地上烤肉.

 I like to do cartwheels and somersanlts.我喜歡在草地上側翻.

 I like to sunbathe.我喜歡做日光浴.

 I like to run through the sprinkler.我喜歡在洒水器旁跑來跑去




 wind instrument管樂器


 give a solo一個人表演

 weather forecast氣象預報

 Do you want to play patty-cake?你要不要玩拍手遊戲?

 How do you play?怎麼玩?

 We sing a song and clap hands.我們唱歌和拍手.

 Sit in front of me.坐在我面前.

 Don’t be a worry wart!不要杞人憂天!

 I like to sunbathe on the lawn.我喜歡在草地上做日光浴.

 Do you sunbathe naked?你做裸體日光浴嗎?

 I like to sunbathe naked我喜歡做裸體日光浴.

魔法ABC  2000/9/26講義



 I suggest that you take the bus.我建議你搭公車.

 I advise you to take the bus.我忠告你要搭公車.

 What table manners should you follow?你要遵守哪些餐桌禮儀?

 Don’t slurp.不要出聲.


 I can smell your breakfast.我可以聞到你早餐吃什麼.

 Don’t burp.不要打隔.

 Don’t talk aloud.不要大聲喧嘩.

 Don’t talk with your mouth full.嘴吧有食物不可一邊說話.

 Please pass me the fish.請把魚傳給我.

 Please pass me the vegetables.請把蔬菜傳給我.

 Please pass me the beef.請把牛肉傳給我.




 hair stylist髮型師


 She is trendy.他很時髦地.

 I want to tailor make a suit.我要量身做一套西裝.

 I want to play house.我想玩伴家家酒.

 You be the father.你當爸爸.

 I’ll be the mother.我當媽媽.

 The doll can be our son.娃娃可以當我們的兒子.

 The doll can be our daughter.娃娃可以當我們的女兒.

 It’s at the tip of my tongue.我一時想不起來.

 You should not slurp.你不可以出聲.

魔法ABC  2000/9/27講義

 What does the doctor do at a health checkup?健康檢查時醫生會做什麼




 Simon says touch your head.老師說碰你的頭.

 Simon says jump.老師說跳.

 Now touch your nose.現在碰一下你的鼻子.

 You’re out!你出局了!

 You’ll be sorry.你會後悔的.


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